What was the project about?

CenterPoint Energy uses ICE (InterContinentExchange) Platform to trade gas. This project is to build a brand new application to integrate live ICE Trades into CenterPoint’s application and update the availability of commodities in real time and notify the customers and other stake holders about it.

Company Name

CenterPoint Energy


Gas-Energy Company (MidStream)




What was the main issue(s) you and you team were trying to solve?

Before the automation, all the trades used to be consolidated in the excel sheet and used to be entered into the system manually. This is time taking process and sometimes the updates are not in real time. Because of this there used to be delay in updating the available commodities and price details.


What was the solution that was implemented for this? How did it fix or improve the company’s workflow?

Built the brand new application using latest technologies and a multi-threaded system to directly communicate with ICE using FIX protocol and retrieve the Trades/deals in real time and integrate the commodity, price in real time into CenterPoint applications like nominations, contracts …etc. and a built the reporting system to notify corresponding stake holders.


What was the end result? Did the company increase efficiency?

A fully automated, FIX complaint application is built to pull the trades and their details and make them available for business needs in real time. This increased the efficiency of the business and good use of available commodities.